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This way they get the * custom selectors they need. * * The inner elements and block styles for the variation itself are * still included at the top level but scoped by the variation's selector * when the stylesheet is generated. */ $elements_data = $variation_data['elements'] ?? array(); $blocks_data = $variation_data['blocks'] ?? array(); unset( $variation_data['elements'] ); unset( $variation_data['blocks'] ); _wp_array_set( $blocks_data, array( $parsed_block['blockName'], 'variations', $variation_instance ), $variation_data ); $config = array( 'version' => WP_Theme_JSON::LATEST_SCHEMA, 'styles' => array( 'elements' => $elements_data, 'blocks' => $blocks_data, ), ); // Turn off filter that excludes block nodes. They are needed here for the variation's inner block types. if ( ! is_admin() ) { remove_filter( 'wp_theme_json_get_style_nodes', 'wp_filter_out_block_nodes' ); } // Temporarily prevent variation instance from being sanitized while processing theme.json. $styles_registry = WP_Block_Styles_Registry::get_instance(); $styles_registry->register( $parsed_block['blockName'], array( 'name' => $variation_instance ) ); $variation_theme_json = new WP_Theme_JSON( $config, 'blocks' ); $variation_styles = $variation_theme_json->get_stylesheet( array( 'styles' ), array( 'custom' ), array( 'include_block_style_variations' => true, 'skip_root_layout_styles' => true, 'scope' => ".$class_name", ) ); // Clean up temporary block style now instance styles have been processed. $styles_registry->unregister( $parsed_block['blockName'], $variation_instance ); // Restore filter that excludes block nodes. if ( ! is_admin() ) { add_filter( 'wp_theme_json_get_style_nodes', 'wp_filter_out_block_nodes' ); } if ( empty( $variation_styles ) ) { return $parsed_block; } wp_register_style( 'block-style-variation-styles', false, array( 'wp-block-library', 'global-styles' ) ); wp_add_inline_style( 'block-style-variation-styles', $variation_styles ); /* * Add variation instance class name to block's className string so it can * be enforced in the block markup via render_block filter. */ _wp_array_set( $parsed_block, array( 'attrs', 'className' ), $updated_class_name ); return $parsed_block; } /** * Ensure the variation block support class name generated and added to * block attributes in the `render_block_data` filter gets applied to the * block's markup. * * @see wp_render_block_style_variation_support_styles * * @since 6.6.0 * @access private * * @param string $block_content Rendered block content. * @param array $block Block object. * * @return string Filtered block content. */ function wp_render_block_style_variation_class_name( $block_content, $block ) { if ( ! $block_content || empty( $block['attrs']['className'] ) ) { return $block_content; } /* * Matches a class prefixed by `is-style`, followed by the * variation slug, then `--`, and finally an instance number. */ preg_match( '/\bis-style-(\S+?--\d+)\b/', $block['attrs']['className'], $matches ); if ( empty( $matches ) ) { return $block_content; } $tags = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $block_content ); if ( $tags->next_tag() ) { /* * Ensure the variation instance class name set in the * `render_block_data` filter is applied in markup. * See `wp_render_block_style_variation_support_styles`. */ $tags->add_class( $matches[0] ); } return $tags->get_updated_html(); } /** * Enqueues styles for block style variations. * * @since 6.6.0 * @access private */ function wp_enqueue_block_style_variation_styles() { wp_enqueue_style( 'block-style-variation-styles' ); } // Register the block support. WP_Block_Supports::get_instance()->register( 'block-style-variation', array() ); add_filter( 'render_block_data', 'wp_render_block_style_variation_support_styles', 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'render_block', 'wp_render_block_style_variation_class_name', 10, 2 ); add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wp_enqueue_block_style_variation_styles', 1 ); /** * Registers block style variations read in from theme.json partials. * * @since 6.6.0 * @access private * * @param array $variations Shared block style variations. */ function wp_register_block_style_variations_from_theme_json_partials( $variations ) { if ( empty( $variations ) ) { return; } $registry = WP_Block_Styles_Registry::get_instance(); foreach ( $variations as $variation ) { if ( empty( $variation['blockTypes'] ) || empty( $variation['styles'] ) ) { continue; } $variation_name = $variation['slug'] ?? _wp_to_kebab_case( $variation['title'] ); $variation_label = $variation['title'] ?? $variation_name; foreach ( $variation['blockTypes'] as $block_type ) { $registered_styles = $registry->get_registered_styles_for_block( $block_type ); // Register block style variation if it hasn't already been registered. if ( ! array_key_exists( $variation_name, $registered_styles ) ) { register_block_style( $block_type, array( 'name' => $variation_name, 'label' => $variation_label, ) ); } } } }